To the hospital we went & better believe I wasn’t saying no to an epidural. I was so excited to get it. & even dilated to 10 centimeters they still allowed me to do an epidural (MN would never).  The Dr. made it really clear I only would be able to push for 2 more hours but at that point he would do a Cesarean to ensure babies health. if fact he said it so much her dad asked him what kind of car he was driving. 🤨😩 Honestly I was so afraid of that being our only option I really wanted to push. After getting the epidural I pushed for 1 hour. Then with the help if the vacuum suction (a pulley lol) her big head emerged. 🤗
We planned Noani. We never thought we’d have problems getting pregnant. All of my friend & family were starting families - in retrospect it made me rush to have her. We weren’t trying at fist but we were surprised because we weren’t using any birth control methods either. After realizing just having sex wasn’t working. We decided to try seriously. We tried calculating my ovulation & shelf sperm counting. My cousin recommend just simply take vitamins. We google some that helped with fertility & had sex every single day for 1.5 months. Then boom 💥 came that positive pregnancy test.
This is my birth story.
We had a rough time during the pregnancy. I was certain the relationship was over.
But after the birth of our beautiful baby girl we knew it was worth fighting for. However if you don’t address those thorns they turn into soars. Only 4 months old & we split. I never would have brought another black child into this world for her to not live in a two family home. I am sad for her. But with love from both parents I think we are only opening the village of love. Her world is only
Welcoming our baby girl Noani Aleè Neeley 8lb 6oz on May 3, 2020 at 5:30pm. At this point I had been up 36 hours. Yay for American health care! I could have never had this experience in a undeveloped country. We are so blessed to have so many medical advancements.
We went with a midwife center— there we would be able to deliver with an all natural birth. Pretty normal pregnancy overall. You know I had back acne, morning sickness, fatigue, back pain. But I also had prenatal yoga, back rubs, baby kicks, & lots of excitement from our midwives team.
Before we even planned our baby we knew it would be natural. I can just hear her dad now ‘gravity is all you need. NO bright lights. I don’t want my baby coming out all doped up on medication’ Well he jinxed us - because thats exactly what happened.
My Birth Story
I was 42 weeks when I went into labor. I tried inducing labor 3x with the castor oil midwife brew. 3rd times the charm. Unfortunately the morning I went in labor I woke up at 5am. However I went into labor at 9pm. We went in about 1am to deliver that baby at the widwives center. Because I had been up since 5am & was in labor for so long — I was exhausted. Her head began to crown around 12pm the next day. At this point I had been pushing for a while & could barely stay awake. The safest route was to go to the hospital for assistance with the delivery. I felt the pressure from her dad to stay & do it naturally. But to be fair I had been awake for 31 hours & in labor for at least 15. IDGAF what anyone who wasn’t in labor thought of me.